Easy Blackened Salmon Recipe

Blackened salmon is a spice-coated salmon that is pan-fried to enhance the taste and provide a bit of spice to the dish.  It’s incredibly easy to make and absolutely loaded with flavor.

blackened salmon fillets in a cast iron skillet with lemons

– 2 teaspoons sea salt – 1 teaspoon onion granules – 1 teaspoon garlic granules – 1 teaspoon dry oregano – 1 teaspoon dry thyme – 2 teaspoons paprika – ½ teaspoon ground white      pepper – ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper – 4 tablespoons oil – 3 8- ounce fresh salmon      fillets – optional beurre blanc sauce


White Scribbled Underline


Start by making the spice rub in a bowl and set aside.


Mix together some oil and blackened seasoning onto a plate until completely combined.


Completely coat the salmon on all sides in the oil and seasoning mixture.


Add the coated salmon into a large cast-iron skillet over medium heat with a little bit of olive oil and cook over low to medium heat until well browned and the desired internal temperature is achieved.

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